
This video below is an expression of my personal ecological philosophy. At its simplest is to do with healing the perceived and conditioned separation between civilised man and nature that has been strengthening since the agricultural revolution 10,000 years ago. The perceived separation between human and non-human, the cultural and natural worlds, is the root cause of the ecological crisis that we are facing, and arguably all other crises, including social, economic and political.

The journey towards wholeness between human and nature in my own thinking and being is what I seek. This path of reconnection is incredibly complex and challenging as it goes against our own accumulated individual conditioning as well as the onslaught of ideas and concepts of separateness that our culture is deeply rooted in. To walk the path of union with nature requires us to journey inward, better understand ourselves, and find the courage to overcome the fear we have of our own inner and outer nature. In doing this we recognise what caused the rift in the first place, and from there the healing can begin. To make this journey requires the full commitment of the whole being, and to its’ dismay can not be done with the rational mind alone. What is required is a leap into the mystery with the whole being…